Reuben D’Souza & Brian Moras sdb
MATUNGA, NOVEMBER 11, 2010: “Retreatainment”, the very name of the program aroused curiosity in many minds. The word very evidently surfaced the combination of Retreat and Entertainment. The question arising was, „How can the two be possible together‟? The thought of Entertainment coupled with a Retreat seemed like a „Paradigm Shift‟.
But Retreatainment was not left a secret for long, and the idea was rolled out on November 6 and November 7, 2010. Welcome to experience Christ and His Gospel through „Inspiring Movies‟ was the clarion call.
Our beloved Holy Father of happy memory, Pope John Paul II, being an actor in his early days, was also known to be a man of the media. Our present leader, Pope Benedict XVI, also advocates the use of the power of media in spreading the Word of God. No surprise then that a tremendous inspiration which touched the minds of Frs. Glenford Lowe and Brian Moras to present “Retreatainment”.
Four movies were screened over a span of two days, with enough time for reflection, group-work and sharing. This turned out to be a very fulfilling experience for the Retreatants.
The first of the movies was „Letters to God‟, a touching story on the power of prayer. We can communicate to God even through letters and He always responds.
The next movie on Forgiveness was based on a true story. „Crossroads‟ tells the story of a man whose feelings of anger, blame and sadness transform when he decides to forgive the youngster who kills his wife and daughter via a reckless car accident. A good point to reflect here was on the selfish logic of our mind. It seeks forgiveness when we are wrong, but seeks justice when others are wrong. A very strong message God gives us here is to forgive always.
The next action packed movie was a drama about a Christian High School football coach who uses his undying faith to battle the giants of fear and failure, proving that with God nothing is impossible. „Facing the Giants‟ a movie all about us having to put Faith in Action, when we meet challenges. What is the source of such Faith? The coach in one of his speeches to motivate his team says “The more I read this book, I realize……..” He was holding the Bible in his hand.
No Retreat is complete without „Jesus‟. Unlike other movies on Jesus, the television miniseries named „Jesus‟ first aired in 1999, was very interesting to watch. It showed the human side of Jesus. It felt very good to see Jesus enjoying himself like any one of us, dancing, playing with children, having a good sense of humor, throwing stones in the river.….. We also saw the mature and emotional side of Jesus, in his ways of respecting the sentiments of people, crying at the loss of Joseph his father and Lazarus his cousin, and more importantly how he accepts the call to do the will of his Heavenly Father.
It is your turn now to watch and benefit from these movies. God inspires in amazing ways, only very often we are not at home. Like the television advertisement caption for a telecommunication product brand says “An IDEA can change your Life”…this idea has done likewise
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Glenford Lowe sdb
MATUNGA, NOVEMBER 16, 2010: Over three hundred and fifty Altar Servers from ten Salesian Institutions gathered together at Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga on Monday, November 15, 2010 to rally together in support of ‘Care for Creation’. Participating for the first time were Altar Servers all the way from Don Bosco’s Naigaon, Nashik and Pune. After a very colorful march past, the guest of honor, Fr. Edwin D’Souza, in a very novel way, invited the Altar Servers to declare open their own celebration with one voice, “We, the Altar Servers declare open our Rally”. He invited the youngsters to serve the Lord with joy and to Care for Creation. Citing very down-to-earth practices, he challenged the youngsters to give God thanks and be protectors of Creation. Representatives from the various intuitions lit the lamp together with the guest of honor.
Through songs, dances, drama and colorful exhibits, Fr. Brian Moras guided the young Altar Servers to appreciate the Gift of Creation and to Care for it. The participants responded with commitments they resolved to keep on a personal and community level. During a very prayerful Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Michael Fernandes, the Provincial, together with a number of concelebrants, once again invited the young Altar Servers to be responsible caretakers of God’s wonderful creation. Various institutions took active part in animating the liturgy and the singing.
The Altar servers were then given a brief opportunity to participate in the Shelter Don Bosco – Children’s Day Celebrations ‘Baccho ki Muskaan, Desh ki Shaan’. After a sumptuous lunch, the long awaited friendly games began. The games played were cricket-football, bucket-basketball, dodge-ball and square-ball. The sporting pledge, that was made right at the start, was kept by every team.
In his charismatic and youthful style, Fr. Allwyn Misquitta guided the young Altar Servers in a meaningful experience through Praise and worship, to once again reaffirm their commitment to ‘Care for Creation’. Fr. Ajoy, the Vice Provincial, proposed the vote of thanks. St. Dominic Savio, Andheri were declared the overall winners. Resurrection Church, Virar followed closely. Thanks to Bro. Matthew who generously donated a bible to every participant of the rally.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Edwin Colaco, Province delegate for Groups and Movements, Fr. Brian Moras and the many young volunteers and animators for making it a truly wonderful experience. Rallies such as these are truly opportune moments to sow vocational seeds and to pray to the Lord of the harvest. Our Salesian Mission began
with an encounter that Don Bosco had with a non-to-familiar altar server. It is time we all take greater care and responsibility to nurture all our groups and movements in the province.
Glenford Lowe sdb
MATUNGA, NOVEMBER 16, 2010: Over three hundred and fifty Altar Servers from ten Salesian Institutions gathered together at Don Bosco Provincial House, Matunga on Monday, November 15, 2010 to rally together in support of ‘Care for Creation’. Participating for the first time were Altar Servers all the way from Don Bosco’s Naigaon, Nashik and Pune. After a very colorful march past, the guest of honor, Fr. Edwin D’Souza, in a very novel way, invited the Altar Servers to declare open their own celebration with one voice, “We, the Altar Servers declare open our Rally”. He invited the youngsters to serve the Lord with joy and to Care for Creation. Citing very down-to-earth practices, he challenged the youngsters to give God thanks and be protectors of Creation. Representatives from the various intuitions lit the lamp together with the guest of honor.
Through songs, dances, drama and colorful exhibits, Fr. Brian Moras guided the young Altar Servers to appreciate the Gift of Creation and to Care for it. The participants responded with commitments they resolved to keep on a personal and community level. During a very prayerful Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Michael Fernandes, the Provincial, together with a number of concelebrants, once again invited the young Altar Servers to be responsible caretakers of God’s wonderful creation. Various institutions took active part in animating the liturgy and the singing.
The Altar servers were then given a brief opportunity to participate in the Shelter Don Bosco – Children’s Day Celebrations ‘Baccho ki Muskaan, Desh ki Shaan’. After a sumptuous lunch, the long awaited friendly games began. The games played were cricket-football, bucket-basketball, dodge-ball and square-ball. The sporting pledge, that was made right at the start, was kept by every team.
In his charismatic and youthful style, Fr. Allwyn Misquitta guided the young Altar Servers in a meaningful experience through Praise and worship, to once again reaffirm their commitment to ‘Care for Creation’. Fr. Ajoy, the Vice Provincial, proposed the vote of thanks. St. Dominic Savio, Andheri were declared the overall winners. Resurrection Church, Virar followed closely. Thanks to Bro. Matthew who generously donated a bible to every participant of the rally.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Edwin Colaco, Province delegate for Groups and Movements, Fr. Brian Moras and the many young volunteers and animators for making it a truly wonderful experience. Rallies such as these are truly opportune moments to sow vocational seeds and to pray to the Lord of the harvest. Our Salesian Mission began

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